Upcoming conferences
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Past conferences
2024, November 7–8, České Budějovice
„Česká a slovenská islamologie 2024: současná témata a budoucí výzvy“ (Czech and Slovak Islamology 2024: Current Themes and Future Challenges)
The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Theology of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (TF JU) organized the eighth annual professional conference with international participation „Česká a slovenská islamologie 2024: současná témata a budoucí výzvy“ (Czech and Slovak Islamology 2024: Current Topics and Future Challenges).
2014, October 23–25, Brno
Workshop „Network Theory, Cognitive Science, and Historiography“
On 23 to 25 October 2014, the Institute for the Advanced Studies of Religion (University of Toronto), the Department for the Study of Religions (Masaryk University), and the Czech Association for the Study of Religions sponsored an international workshop “Network Theory, Cognitive Science, and Historiography”, dedicated to the uses of network theory in historical study of religion.
2014, June 20–22, Brno
Conference of the International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion “Religion Explained? The Cognitive Science of Religion after Twenty-Five Years”
From 20-22 June 2014, the Department for the Study of Religions, Masaryk University, Brno and the Czech Association for the Study of Religions sponsored the conference of the International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion (IACSR) “Religion Explained? The Cognitive Science of Religion after Twenty-Five Years”.
2012, March1–3, Brno
LEVYNA workshop “Past, Present and Future in the Scientific Study of Religions”
On 1-3 March 2012, the Laboratory for the Experimental Research of Religion organized (in cooperation with the Czech Association for the Study of Religions and the Department for the Study of Religions, Masaryk University, Brno) its first workshop “Past, Present and Future in the Scientific Study of Religions”.
2009, November 6–7, Brno
“Loose Ends in the Cognitive Study of Religion and Culture”
On 6-7 November 2009, the Czech Association for the Study of Religions, the Department for the Study of Religions, Masaryk University and the Czech Association for the Cognitive Study of Culture organized the international workshop Loose Ends in the Cognitive Study of Religion and Culture.
2005, October 11–12, Brno
CERES conference “Náboženství a tělo” (Religion and the Body)
CERES (Central European REligious Studies), the Czech Society for the Study of Religions, and the Department for the Study of Religions, Masaryk University organized the conference Náboženství a tělo (Religion and Body), held in Brno, 11-12 October 2005.
Proceedings: Iva Doležalová – Eleonóra Hamar – Luboš Bělka (eds.), Náboženství a tělo, Brno: Masarykova univerzita – Praha: Malvern 2006. -
2004, October 26–27, Pardubice
CERES conference “Náboženství a jídlo” (Religion and Food)
CERES (Central European REligious Studies), the Czech Society for the Study of Religions, and the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy, University of Pardubice organized the conference Náboženství a jídlo (Religion and Food), held in Pardubice, 26-27 October 2004.
Proceedings: Tomáš Bubík – Martin Fárek (eds.), Náboženství a jídlo, Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice 2005. -
1999, August 9–13, Brno
IAHR special conference “The Academic Study of Religion During the Cold War”
The Czech Society for the Study of Religions and the International Association for the History of Religions organized an international conference The Academic Study of Religion During the Cold War: Ideological and Theological Constraints, East and West, held in Brno, 9-13 August 1999.
Proceedings: Iva Doležalová – Luther H. Martin – Dalibor Papoušek (eds.), The Academic Study of Religion during the Cold War: East and West, New York – Bern: Peter Lang 2001. -
1995, November 15, Praha
„Žena v náboženstvích světa“ (Women in the Religions of the World)
The Czech Society for the Study of Religions organized the conference Žena v náboženstvích světa (Woman in the Religions of the World), held in Prague, 15 November 1995.
Some proceedings were published in the journal Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 5/1, 1997. -
1994, August 22–26, Brno
IAHR special conference “Religions in Contact”
The Czech Society for the Study of Religions and the International Association for the History of Religions organized an international conference Religions in Contact, held in Brno, 22-26 August 1994.
Proceedings: Iva Doležalová – Břetislav Horyna – Dalibor Papoušek (eds.), Religions in Contact, Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství 1996. -
1993, December 3–4, Brno
“Česká bible v dějinách evropské kultury” (The Czech Bible in the History of European Culture)
The Czech Society for the Study of Religions organized the conference Česká bible v dějinách evropské kultury (Czech Bible in the History of European Culture), held in Brno, 3-4 December 1993.
Proceedings: Helena Pavlincová – Dalibor Papoušek (eds.), Česká bible v dějinách evropské kultury, Brno: Česká společnost pro studium náboženství – Masarykova univerzita 1994. -
1993, October 8, Brno
„Nová religiozita jako religionistický problém“ (New Religions as an Issue in the Study of Religions")
The Czech Society for the Study of Religions organized the conference Nová religiozita jako religionistický problém (New Religiosity as a Problem in the Study of Religions), held in Brno, 8 October 1993.
Some proceedings were published in the journal Religio: Revue pro religionistiku 2/1, 1994. -
1992, May 13–15, Bechyně
„The Bible in Cultural Context“
The Association for Religious Studies organized the conference The Bible in Cultural Context, held in Bechyně, 13-15 May 1992.
Proceedings: Helena Pavlincová – Dalibor Papoušek (eds.), The Bible in Cultural Context, Brno: Czech Society for the Study of Religions – Masaryk University 1996. -
19.–21. 9. 1990, Liblice
“Stav a perspektivy studia náboženství v Československu” (The State and Perspectives of the Study of Religions in Czechoslovakia)
The Society for the Study of Religions organized the first conference in the study of religions in the Czechoslovakia, Stav a perspektivy studia náboženství v Československu (The State and the Perspectives of Religious Studies in Czechoslovakia), held in Liblice, 19-21 September 1990.
Proceedings: Stav a perspektivy studia náboženství v Československu: Sborník referátů z konference v Liblicích, 19.-21. září 1990, Brno: Společnost pro studium náboženství – Ústav pro výzkum společenského vědomí ČSAV 1990.