A. Testa: The Problem of Re-enchantment in (Central-Eastern) Europe: About Three Recent Publications
What is “re-enchantment” in historical, sociological, and anthropological scholarship, and why is it a problematic or even contested concept? And problematic for or contested by whom? Is there anything genuinely European (or central-eastern European) in the conceptualisation and usage of this term, or in the social realities it aspires to describe and explain? The discussion will centre on the author’s recent publications on the matter, the following:
1) Alessandro Testa, Zuzana Bártová, and István Povedák (edited by), “Re-enchantment” and Religious Change in Former Socialist Europe, thematic issue of the journal Religion (2024)
2) Alessandro Testa, Ritualising Cultural Heritage and Re-Enchanting Rituals in Europe (2023)
3) Alessandro Testa, “Re-thinking the Concept of Re-enchantment in Central-Eastern Europe”, article in Religio: Revue pro religionistiku (2023)
Akce se koná pod záštitou České společnosti pro religionistiku, péčí Ústavu religionistiky FF MU. Přednáška se bude konat 12.11. od 16 do 18 hod. v zasedací místnosti děkanátu FF MUNI (v druhém nadzemním patře budovy C v areálu fakulty na Arna Nováka 1, Brno (viz mapa). Akce bude probíhat hybridně, zde je zoom link: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/95219364397?pwd=7tZQCcUPFUXuwnroQcKXuLqCQNb1gT.1 .